Customised, economic and durable solutions
Our fields of expertise
ADEMKA provides economic and durable solutions, personalised according to your needs, in the domains of heating, climate control, air conditioning, domestic water and the treatment of waste and rain water.
As a key player in the field of energy in the construction industry, we operate on new-builds, refurbishment projects and also in technical consultancy.
Our principle objective is to improve the comfort and performance of your buildings in terms of energy saving and environmental factors within the scope of the following fields.
The Installation of systems for the production and distribution of urban heating using natural local resources and renewable energy.
Heating is supplied to all buildings within an urban network (housing, offices, hotels, schools, hospitals… etc.) and exploited according to the needs of each building.
The installation of systems for the production and distribution of collective heating and domestic hot water for buildings. Boilers, thermal equipment and hydraulic systems in proportion to the building’s needs.
The installation of systems for the production and distribution of urban cooling via a central refrigeration unit. Cooling is supplied to all buildings within an urban network (shops, hotels, concert halls, hospitals… etc.) and exploited according to the needs of each building.
The installation of systems for the production and distribution of cooling for a group of buildings using specifically dimensioned refrigeration units, thermal equipment and hydraulic systems.
The installation of domestic cold water distribution systems (drinking water) and the implementation of technical solutions to limit leakage in the water system network.
The installation of drainage systems for waste and rain water.
The installation of buried pipe networks using the latest insulation technology for heating, cooling, hot and cold domestic water… etc.
The installation of solar panels used notably for the production of domestic hot water.
The fulfillment of audits and feasibility studies, consultancy on the choice of energy systems and the definition of construction projects using our expert knowledge on the production and distribution of energy in the building industry.
Our quality assurance commitment
ADEMKA has been committed to quality for a number of years
Quality has become a crucial element for ADEMKA, to such a degree that is now part of its DNA.
Our quest for optimal quality is demonstrated in a number of ways :
- Our quality objectives are fixed annually according to our strategic plan.
- For us, Quality is a principal of management, applied on a day to day basis, by all company members, to all our activities and projects.
- Satisfaction surveys (internal, customer, supplier, contractor…) are carried out and analysed regularly.
- All our quality indicators are measured, analysed and audited every year by external auditors.
- All new recruits are made aware of our approach to quality and trained on our quality assurance procedures.